The Pope Invites Gavin Newsom To Speak About Climate Change At The Vatican

The Pontiff does not seem to mind that the California Democrat’s social progressive track record includes championing transgender …
Sean Johnson
Maybe Francis can superimpose an image of an ape on the facade of St. Peter’s again, to raise consciousness about the climate like he did a couple years ago. Of course, what it will really show is that the conciliar church and all it’s hierarchy are merely a counterfeit ape of the Catholic Church.
chris griffin
@Sean Johnson...Maybe Francis can superimpose an image of an aborted baby which is Newson's idol.
Opera 369
Wow, imagine that! Did anyone have any doubt....that eventually CEO of Vatican, dressed in white, would give this guy 'audience'? They are both going down in popularity... so they have to join their (evil) forces! The 'fallen angel' wears many elevate himself.
Billy F
Acta non Verba!!! Then you know the truth about this Pontificate!
Father Karl A Claver
Birds of a feather, flock together.