Tom Morelli

Why are so many celebrities suddenly revealing they aborted their children? - LifeSite

Fri Nov 24, 2023 - 2:53 pm EST (LifeSiteNews) – It is the year of abortion memoirs. In her memoir Paris, published …
Her family is so wealthy. She could have had so much help, Raising a baby. Very sad she doesn’t regret it and repent. πŸ™πŸ™
Dr Bobus
And Paris Hilton is from a Catholic family.
I guess Paris and Brittany are trying to convince themselves they were not capable of not wanting their child. They, as most of the rest, convince themselves they had no other choice. Eventually even this won't be enough for the pro-aborts. You have to be happy, celebrate the fact that you preferred to condemn your own to an incinerator for medical waste. Living lies is not living at all: two lives …More
I guess Paris and Brittany are trying to convince themselves they were not capable of not wanting their child. They, as most of the rest, convince themselves they had no other choice. Eventually even this won't be enough for the pro-aborts. You have to be happy, celebrate the fact that you preferred to condemn your own to an incinerator for medical waste. Living lies is not living at all: two lives taken.