Pay attention and share while this video still exists.
Philadelphia Trad
May God bless, reward and protect Fr. Mawdsley. Please pray for his intentions and his safety.
Billy F
Awesome Priest! His books are amazing!
So very very important. Mawdsley is hard to find. I was searching his videos about Piccaretta, which seems to me almost a cult!
Opera 369
@giveusthisday With in-depth research and guided by logic and the Holy Spirit, Fr. Mawdsley was quite capable of exposing "the satanical hoax". To much rage of those that had made Piccaretta their ...go to saint (purposely used lower case).
English Catholic
@giveusthisday The trilogy of videos made by Fr Mawdsley are all to be found on my GTV page, for convenience: PART ONE: (Not for children). The "Divine Will" de… The links to Parts Two and Three are listed below the first video.
Thank you very much, English Catholic! We must all do what we can to make sure the truth will be heard!
Remember that notorious Abraham Foxman publicly gave thanks to papa Bergoglio for Traditionis Custodes, foolishly thinking that it would abolish the Roman Rite Mass.
Ivan Tomas
Et ait illis : Ite, et dicite vulpi illi : Ecce ejicio daemonia, et sanitates perficio hodie, et cras, et tertia die consummor. [Luke 13:32]
Opera 369
Bergoglio: the masonic puppet of the anti-Christ!
@Ivan Tomas
Homo Gentili Vulpes.